You already noticed that I’m brewing beer with my friend Hannes. In the last couple of weeks I found some time to continue working on our ‘Reaktor’.
This is our work-in-progress boiler and it will be able to handle 30 l mash. A heating element boils ~16l of water that we use to heat up our mash indirectly. Two PT1000 heating sensor (I want to use 3 in the future) measure the temperature of the water and the mash, while a regulation (implemented in Processing) controls the process of brewing. Sensor data is been read by an Arduino that also controls the relay of our heating element. Currently we’re using 230V, 1.6 A to heat up water, but we also have plans to change the system to high voltage current, if we have to wait to long to heat up everything.
Primary data can be controlled via the Processing console and patch-window, while essential data is been logged every second to a MySQL-database, so that we can visualize data (D3 JavaScript library) of all brewing processes to make results repeatable.
We are going to test our reactor this weekend and I will let you know what will happen!
Isn’t that cool? : )